Dicehammer “Highlander” Charity 40k GT
When: November 16-17, 2024
Where: Irvine Lanes Bowling Alley (upstairs in the Back Bay Conference Center)
What: 5-Round, 44-player Warhammer 40k “Highlander” GT
Why: Raise money for TABLEWAR Charities, Pacific Marine Mammal Center and Second Harvest Food Bank OC
Unique Format: This will be a HIGHLANDER (there can only be one) event. This means that all datasheets in an army list are limited. The “Rule of 3” is replaced with the “Rule of 1”. Additionally, Batteline and Transports (which usually follow a limit of up to 6) are instead limited to 3 of each.
Full Event pack will be made available by Mid-October.
We are asking players to donate money to secure their spot in the Dicehammer “Highlander” Charity GT.
We are asking that players send at least $40 to cover the cost of the venue. All funds raised, minus the cost of the venue, will go to support TABLEWAR Charities, Pacific Marine Mammal Center and the Second Harvest Food Bank OC
NOTE: As Dicehammer is not a Non-Profit Organization, you will not be able to receive a write off for any funds sent to Dicehammer Inc. If you file your yearly taxes in such a way that you would like to receive a tax credit for your donation, I would ask that you send $40 to cover the cost of the venue and donate an additional amount to one of the charities listed below (or a charity of your choosing). I would like to have a final number of total funds donated as a result of this event, so I may ask you to share what you donated privately (but you can share at your discretion).
This will be an ITC scored event for hobby track and best general.