Comic Quest & Dicehammer

Warhammer 40k League

Season 10 Registration and Overview

  • Pre-Registration is open until July 25 (9th edition launch day)

  • After 9th edition launches and we know all the point costs, players will be able to register their primary faction. For the primary faction, players will be able to choose 3 Codexes / Supplemental Codexes to choose from, so long as they are all in the same “Super Faction”. For example, an Aeldari player could choose the Ynnari, Drukhari and Harlequin Codexes / Supplements, or an Imperial Player could choose from the Adeptus Astartes, Imperial Fists and Iron Hands Codexes / Supplements. Official registration will close on July 31 @ 11:59 PM.

  • Season starts August 1 and will run for two months, with playoffs occurring in October.

  • There are two options for Season 10, please read below and decide which option you would prefer.

  • Option 1: Traditional (singles) league. Players are placed in pods based on past league / tournament performances and skill levels. Players are expected to coordinate and play 4 games over the course of two months against people in their pod. You need to play in at least 3 games to qualify for playoffs, with the top two players from each Pod being eligible.

  • Option 2: Team-Format League. After players are registered, Team Captains would be selected based on past league / tournament performances and skill levels. Team Captains would then “draft” 4 additional players to their team on a Zoom / Discord call. Please read the details of the Team-Format League below. This format asks players to commit to playing a game against a set opponent in a two-week window.

    • Teams would consist of 5 members total. Armies can overlap in the team league format - this is a major diversion from the tournament format, but allows people to bring the army they want and not restrict captains if there are 17 Necron players registered.

    • In this format, army lists would need to be submitted the day before Pairings (for this example, let’s say it’s a Thursday). Codexes selection would stay the same throughout the league, but army lists could change before each match-up.

    • Pairings would be done on a Friday (see below for Team Pairing) in a coordinated Zoom call.

    • Players would have two weeks to complete their games. 

    • Whichever team scores more battle points for the round is the winner. We may adjust this to include some ties once the missions are released.

    • Team Pairing:

      • Teams will pair off into 5 individual games each round

      • Teams will exchange lists and will take a few moments to review the opposing teams list and discuss strategy. 

      1. Each Captain writes down 1 of their lists to Defend. This is done blindly and simultaneously via Private Message to the mediator

      2. Both Captains reveal their Defenders simultaneously and are confirmed by the mediator

      3. Both Captains now attack the opposing Defender with 2 lists simultaneously via Private Message to the mediator

      4. Both Captains now choose which Attacker they want their Defender to play simultaneously 

      5. Repeat steps 1-4

        1. The remaining two players will face off against each other

  • More details about the league will be hammered out after the pre-registration period and more is known about 9th edition.

  • Players can coordinate games at Comic Quest on Monday and Tuesdays. You can also play games on the weekend if the event calendar is clear, or if you set up a table outside. Please visit or call (949) 951-9668 to check and see if space is available. You can also coordinate games at a private residence or other location.