Dicehammer Standardized Table - Set #1
Hello! In this very exciting first blog post I will be reviewing the missions to be used at the Dicehammer Open GT IV and will be reviewing the standardized table layouts for half of the Top 16 tables. Please note that the pictures should be used as a guide and may be adjusted every so slightly to ensure both sides have a similar layout.
For a description of the terrain characteristics, please view this Google Doc
We will be playing the following missions:
Priority Targets
The Scouring
Scorched Earth
Vital Intelligence
Sweep and Clear
For anyone wanting to create a similar layout or table:
The large ruins were purchased from Death Ray Designs as part of the Shattered Landscape: Downtown City Bundle
The Rock Walls were custom made by NorthlandGaming on Etsy
The Forest Bases were carved and created by Chris Cole, Dicehammer Co-Founder. If you want some of these, or some other scenery bases created find him at the GT!