California Team Championship - Coming up Fast!

The California Team Championship is nearly here! You can follow along with the teams and results on Best Coast Pairings.

We will be allowing both the NEW and OLD Ork Codex for this event. I know it’s weird, but so was the Ork release. When I surveyed the 14 team Captains, only 2 preferred the Old Codex only, the others did not have a big preference, or wanted the new and old Codex to be used. This is probably a one time thing due to the very unique, and limited Ork Snagga Box release.

The CTC Event Pack has been updated with pairing information, along with rules for Captain / Coach role, information for Health and Safety, along with the timeline for the event.

Another thing to note is the role of terrain in this event. 2 tables will have heavier terrain, 2 tables will have medium terrain, and 1 table will have light terrain.

Examples of a heavy terrain can be found HERE

Examples of a light terrain can be found HERE

Coming up later this week: missions to be played and more terrain examples!